
the Digital Media 1 series | spring 2012

The Digital Media course intent is to use representational tools and methods in programs to help express their design skills. Students are exposed to visual communicative strategies using a range of media; such as analog and digital drawings, and graphics to support each stage of the design process.

The first stage of this course introduces a general knowledge about images made of pixels; type, size, resolution and all of the basic informioatn required to be proficient with the programs and graphics in genearl. The second stage focuses on the use of Adobe Photoshop thru a series of exercises aimed at using tools to manipulate images and create collages. Students work with a set of given actions involved with reiteration, transformation, editing, and layering. The history of all elements must be documented graphically. The third stage explores vectors and geometries that emerge into a digital crystal or art through a series of analog computational devices and detail process drawings. Students will intergrate most feature of Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, and AutoCAD and Rhino. 

In the final stage, students will produce a portfolio of their collective work within the course. They will understand the process of developing and production of a portfolio through layouts, pages, layers, graphics, and more. This course encourages the student to create a portfolio early on before entering their intensive studios. .

- TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY: College of Architecture


1. Remember to refer to this site for all assignments and lectures.
2. You are responsible for reading the syllabus!
3. Got questions? Check out our FAQ section today!





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